7 May 2012

Gigi and the snail

Queridos leitores,
Apresento-vos o meu primeiro desenho a carvão da dupla geek in the pink e caracol. Há muito que sentia vontade de passar estes dois amiguinhos para o papel, em vez de os desenhar no computador. O resultado foi um registo bem mais doce das personagens que vou passar a publicar juntamente com as BD's. Espero que gostem e aguardo a vossa opinião!

Dear all,
This was my very first attempt to draw my characters in a traditional way, just paper and a pencil! I was very happy with the results because they capture all the tenderness that normally is not so easy to express with the cartoons. So, from now on, I'll be publishing more of my drawings together with the cartoons. I would love to hear your opinion on them!